For Businesses and Corporations
£300 per year
For companies employing upto 200 people.
Company Membership enables you to enrol three full members who are registered in our database. You have access to free Networking events, where no Attendance Fee is charged.
We offer you incentives for introducing your business contacts to BNBN.
£1500 per year
For companies employing over 200 people.
This grants access for 15 Executives from your orgainsation to become members and be registered in our database.
You have access to free Networking events, where no Attendance Fee is charged.
We offer you incentives for introducing your business contacts to BNBN.
For people who join, who do not represent a business
£25 per year
Student Membership provides access to those just stepping out in their business careers. It is an opportunity to meet business owners and employers. It is also an opportunity for Students with business plans to launch their businesses. (This category is not for people who are directors of established companies). We offer you incentives for introducing your business contacts to BNBN.
£100 per year
Individual Membership gives you access to the activities and services of the Network and the opportunity to attend (free) Networking Events.
We offer you incentives for introducing your business contacts to BNBN.
£500 per year
Your decision to become a Founder Member allows you to generously support our formation and development and wins you access to all membership benefits and access to the BNBN Board and Steering Committee. Your subscription lasts 10 years, after which we will discuss with you the way forward.
We offer you incentives for introducing your business contacts to BNBN.
For Charities and NGOs
£100 per year
Charity/NGO Membership enables you to enrol three full members who are registered in our database.
You have access to free Networking events, where no Attendance Fee is charged. We offer you incentives for introducing your business contacts to BNBN.
£1000 per year
Large Charity/NGO Membership enables you to enrol 15 full members who are registered in our database.
You have access to free Networking events, where no Attendance Fee is charged. We offer you incentives for introducing your business contacts to BNBN.